Why a Support Group for People Who are Going Through Divorce?
If close to half of all marriages end in divorce, then why is it so hard to end a marriage? The sad answer is that in our culture, we see the end of a marriage as an inevitable battle where friends and even family have to take “sides’”. Even our legal system is structured to create unnecessary conflict between divorcing couples as they wrestle with the hard decisions about separating property, money, income and, last but not least, their children. Those couples who choose mediation or collaboration and hope to avoid this divisiveness, find that they are still impacted by the behaviors and attitudes of those around them.
So what does this mean for you? Many people facing the end of their marriage are deeply impacted by things that seem out of their control. You may have been the one who wanted the divorce but that doesn’t necessarily make it easier. If you are the one who wanted to stay and work on the marriage, it may feel as if your life is suddenly turned upside down with little support or skills to manage the new challenges that now face you.
Being part of a group can help you put these challenges in perspective as you learn from the group experience how to manage the myriad emotions and new situations that can make each day an effort. If you are a parent, then sharing concerns, ideas, and helpful suggestions with the other group members can help both you and your children weather this difficult time.
As your group leader, I can offer ideas and useful tools to not only get through this tough period in your life but can also help you in becoming more confident as you move into the next phase.
Please feel free to call and ask questions. You can also email me at: [email protected].