All Collaborative Alternatives team members adhere to the Code of Ethics of their respective disciplines.
No member of the Collaborative Alternatives team will participate in litigation.
All Collaborative Alternatives team members shall withdraw from the case if either client chooses to litigate the process.
In that event, team members will assist their clients to make an orderly transfer to appropriate professionals.
Each discipline practices independently from each other and all fees are set independently.
No team member shall receive financial remuneration for referring to another team member.
Disclosure of information follows both legal and ethical guidelines by requiring written consent forms for release of confidential information.
Team members will use their best judgment when sharing information, sharing only that information that is pertinent to the Collaborative Alternatives process.
If a team member becomes aware that either party is withholding information necessary to the team process or is purposefully giving fraudulent information, the team member will remind the party of his/her agreement to openly provide all information necessary to the process.
If the party continues to withhold or give false information, the team member shall withdraw from the process.
Referrals will be made only to those individuals who are willing to work within the collaborative team model.
New referrals to consultants outside the collaborative team process shall be made after consulting with the team members.
No team member shall give advice or directives outside the area of his or her training or expertise.
All team members adhere to the concept that the client is the family system.
Team members will serve only in their stated Collaborative Alternatives roles. For example, Divorce Coaches will not serve as psychotherapists. Should a need for additional help be perceived, team members will refer to other qualified professionals.